Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to Get Self Confidence: 10 Unusual and Effective Self-Confidence Techniques

The way to get self confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.

Developing self-confidence is a key to success in life and love. It's not 'who you are' that holds you back, it's 'who you think you're not'. You could be a movie star, a famous inventor, or a rich entrepreneur, but if you are not confident, you will only be these things in your dreams.

Without confidence, your fears will literally cripple you. That little voice inside your head usually whispers "you can't", however, when it realizes that you're listening, it gets louder. "YOU CAN'T!" This is what holds people back from being the best they can be.

You get self confidence by learning to silence your inner critic.

If you take a look at a list of phobias, you will see "public speaking" near the top of that list.

Imagine for a second that you have this phobia, and if you do have it, even better. Imagine that you have to give a speech on a subject you know a lot about. You will be speaking in a large auditorium, on a stage, in front of 200 people you don't know.

The fear of standing in front of a crowd and giving a presentation is enough to make you crazy! The thought sends chills up and down your spine, your heart races, your palms sweat. You wonder if you are going to forget everything you're supposed to say.

On the way to the event, you're a wreck. You've prepared, you know your subject matter, but you're still nervous. Your body is in major fight or flight mode.

The reason?

Because all of those self-confidence techniques you've learned, like imagining the audience naked, or staring right over their heads, all sound a bit silly when you're ready to give your speech. You want REAL self-confidence techniques. Not a quick-fix.

Realize that you don't have to "do" anything to get self-confidence. You already have it. It's there, buried underneath your insecurities and fears.

Instead of trying to boost or "get" self-confidence, work on letting go of self-doubt. Try eliminating undesirable character traits, rather than manufacturing desirable qualities. There is no scale you have to balance. Dis-inventing works better than trying to add a false positive.

Remember, you have all of the tools to be a competent and powerful human being. You just have to go inside of yourself and discover them. In the game of life, the most important skill to develop is confidence and the biggest hindrance to developing that skill is doubting yourself.

Below you will find the top 10 ways to rid yourself of growth-stunting and unattractive self-doubt. They may seem counter-intuitive, but these are self-confidence techniques that really work! All of these self-confidence techniques are discussed in detail. Click the links to learn more.

To get self confidence you can:

Fail fast, fail often, fail forward.

Put yourself in harm's way.

Be disagreeable.

Become incredibly selfish.

End your relationships.

Act like a child.

Seduce everyone you meet.

Stop going to church.

Wage war within yourself.

Have a temper tantrum, or two.

These are simple and effective ways for you to boost or get self confidence and love yourself more. The keys are in your hands. What are you going to do with them?

Learn How to Love Yourself

Do you know how to love yourself?

“To say 'I love you' one must first be able to say the 'I'.”
~Ayn Rand

Rand touches on a point that is worth exploring. You have to know and love YOU before even trying to love anyone else.

Have you heard yourself saying any of these things?

“I’m never going to find someone.”
“I can’t believe this happened… again.”
“I don’t want to just be friends, I want a girl/boyfriend.”
“I’m sick of playing games. I just want people to be real.”
“Maybe I need to focus on my career right now… love can wait.”

It’s as if you have tried EVERYTHING to find that one person that loves you, and no matter what you do, you can't find love.

Well, here's a little secret about attraction:

Learning how to love yourself is
the foundation of any love relationship.

If you don't love YOU, you can't love anyone else. Period.

What does loving yourself mean?

BEING AWARE - Knowing who you are, how you act, what you believe, and why you think certain ways. Knowing your boundaries, strengths and weaknesses.

- Recognizing your own worth and the validity of your opinions. Providing value to others because you tap into your individual talents.

- Liking, respecting, and trusting yourself. Treating yourself well. Taking care of your needs.

- Confidently expressing your unique "I" in the world. Being proactive rather than reactive and staying true to yourself.

- Acting in accordance with your personal development or spiritual growth. Making "growth" your number one priority.

- Respecting yourself and not tolerating disrespect from others. Neither sacrificing yourself to others, nor letting others sacrifice themselves to you.

- Knowing that you are ultimately responsible for all outcomes in your life, positive and negative, and that you alone make the choices which create your experience.

- Enjoying your own company and using solitude for nourishment to reboot your energy. That way you can share love without getting depleted.

The most important person in your life is you. The person who you love the most in the world should be you! Why not? Who better than you?

"YOU" are the one person you have to spend every waking moment of your life with.

"YOU" are the only person who will be there for you when no one else is.

"YOU" are all you have no matter what.

When you first love yourself, you will give yourself what you need. You will become highly attractive to others because you are coming to them out of wholeness, not out of a repulsive neediness. You will be able to have fulfilling relationships, and you will have no problem ending relationships which don't serve your growth.

The concept is simple, though it isn't easy to learn how to love yourself. It's going to take some hard work. Are you ready for it?

By becoming self-mindful, taking it step-by-step, and developing self-confidence, you can increase your overall happiness in love and life.

All you have to do is FIRST LOVE YOU and everything else will fall into place.